Name(s) of Regulation and/or Standard:
The legal framework for organic foods in Brazil may be found under Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA):
Instrucao Normativa n° 7, May 17, 1999;
Lei n° 10.831, December 23, 2003; (in Portuguese)
Decree no. 6323 of December 27, 2007; (.pdf in English) amended by Decrees No. 7794/2012 and No. 11582/2023, and
Instrucao Normativa n° 16 of June 11, 2004.
Legislation for rules for organic cotton products can be found in Instrução Normativa nº 23 (in Portuguese), published in the Diário Oficial da União - Seção 1, June 2, 2011, page 30.
Brazilian Organic Laws as of December 2024 compiled in Portuguese. (English translations that have been updated through 2017.)
Instrução Normativa Nº 13, de 28 de maio de 2015 (CPOrg e STPOrg) (.pdf in Portuguese): Establishes the structure, the composition and the Thematic Subcommittee Assignments for Organic Production (STPOrg), Structure, Composition and Duties of Committees of Organic Production in the Federation Units (CPOrg-UF), and the guidelines for preparation of their internal regulations.
Brazil and Chile implemented two Memorandums of Understanding in August 2024. One on the electronic certification of wines and alcoholic beverages. The other is an addendum to the memorandum on mutual recognition of Organic Certification. The goal is to mutually recognize the regulatory similarities of organic production to facilitate trade between the two countries. This initiative encourages the inclusion of small and medium producers in the export market.
Date of Implementation: 2003
Regulation and/or Standard Scope:
The regulations contain the standards for production, classification, processing, packaging, importation, distribution, identification, and certification of the quality of organic products, of both animal and plant origin.
The decree allows family farmers to make direct sales to consumers provided they have a registration with the regulatory body. In the event of a direct sale, no certification is needed = Participatory Guarantee System (PGS). Textile products from organic cotton were added in June 2011.